Example 1

воскресенье, 8 сентября 2013 г.

Calc 2.0

I have an interesting idea to create a plugin for developers that want easily include any kind of calculator on their webpage. Say you have hamburgers and drinks, that's how it may look like:
    "items": {
        "Burgers": {"Hamburger": "2.50", "Cheeseburger": "3.00", "Chickenburger": "3.50"},
        "Drinks": {"Soda": "1.00", "Cola": "1.50", "Beer": "1.75"},
        "Happy": false
    "currency: "USD",
    "discount": "10",
    "type": "popup"
Script is supposed to create a web form with all this fields (directly on page or in popup)


I hope it will be same useful as other jQueryUI plugins that allow to pick dates or show tooltips

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